The MORTEXVAR conference
Individuals, groups, tracers
The conference intends to reflect on a pre-print collective volume of the MORTEXVAR project, which includes 17 contributions about different aspects of variability as the main criterium to retrieve information from the sources. This criterium articulates in three leads to inspire a structure of the collective work:
Individuals. Study cases that are particularly telling not only about their individuality but about how and why they are exceptional within the bigger picture.
Groups. Study cases of groups that may constitute substreams within mainstream traditions or minor streams outside the mainstream.
Tracers. Elements of variability in the mainstream that allow us to trace change, innovation or disparity processes, including errors and corrections.

Coffin of Iqer from Gebelein, 11th dynasty, detail. Photograph: Museo Egizio, Turin, C00761.
The idea
The three leads aim to provide a holistic picture to assess the connections between what are usually seen as “elements” of a “system” and the “system” itself; and to ultimately review those two concepts (element, system) which are critical to the Western conceptual frame.
This procedure (book plus conference) contrasts with the usual conference plus proceedings volume academic standard. It permits feedback on an already matured work with which all the contributors are familiar. In doing so, it has the advantage of allowing a more precise and unimprovised feedback on the contributions and, not less unimportantly, on the three leads proposed to inspire a structure of the collective work produced around the operative concept “variability”.
The resulting book and conference are expected to offer a showcase covering fields of study that englobes archaeology, history, philology, linguistics, visual arts and multidisciplinary approaches.
Access to the conference is free upon registration.
Email to stating your name, affiliation (if applicable) and brief motivation to register.
Sessions will be recorded and made available after the conference on the MORTEXVAR Youtube channel.
All times CET
14 September - Individuals
Chaired by Zsuzsanna Végh, University of Edinburgh
14:00 – 14:15 h. Presentation
14:15 – 14:30 h. Julia Hamilton, Macquarie University, Sydney
Secondary epigraphy and interaction with transfigured dead: The case of Nikauizezi, Saqqara
14:30 – 14:45 h. Veronika Dulíková & Marie Hlouchová Peterková, Charles University, Prague
The decorated coffin of the king’s ornament Setib buried at Abusir
14:45 – 15:00 h. Angela McDonald, University of Glasgow
Putting intentions in their place: materialising meaning through spatial dynamics in Appeals to the Dead
(In absentia). Jean-Pierre Pätznick, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris
From Khenti-Mentiu to Khenti-Imentiu: Mirror of the evolution of the royal funerary sphere from the Early Dynastic to the Osirian revolution in the Old Kingdom
15:00 – 15:15 h. César Guerra Méndez & Carlos Gracia Zamacona, Universidad de Alcalá
Osiris, as written in the Pyramid Texts and the Coffin Texts
15:15 – 15:30 h. Break
15:30 – 17:00 h. Discussion
15 September - Groups
Chaired by Rune Nyord, Emory University, Atlanta
14:00 – 14:05 h. Presentation
14:05 – 14:20 h. Seria Yamazaki, Waseda University
Repeating the ritual under the ground: Performance of the royal object ritual in the Middle Kingdom
14:20 – 14:35 h. Juan Carlos Moreno García, CNRS, Paris
dmjw, n(j)wtj “citizen” in the Pyramid Texts and the Coffin Texts in the context of the social and political changes that occurred in Egypt at the turn of the 3rd millennium BC
14:35 – 14:50 h. Christelle Alvarez, Brown University
New spells, new compilations, and the concept of variability in sequences of Pyramid and Coffin Texts
14:50 – 15:05 h. Anne Landborg, Independent scholar
Becoming Wind? Considerations on transformation and identification in marginal Coffin Text spells
15:05 – 15:15 h. Yannick A. Wiechmann, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
The many ways of escaping from the fishing net: Regarding variability and prehistory of a spell group
(In absentia). Antonio J. Morales, Universidad de Alcalá
15:30 – 15:45 h. Break
15:30 – 17:00 h. Discussion
16 September - Tracers
Chaired by Andréas Stauder, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris
14:00 – 14:05 h. Presentation
14:05 – 14:20 h. Jorke Grotenhuis, University of California, Berkeley / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Variation in the graphical form of the first-person stative ending in the Coffin Texts
14:20 – 14:35 h. Gersande Eschenbrenner Diemer, Universidad de Alcalá
(Re)connecting artefacts and thinking in the afterlife: the case of funerary wooden models
14:35 – 14:50 h. M. Victoria Almansa-Villatoro, Harvard University
Variation as a Social Device: “Middle Egyptianisms” in Old Kingdom Letters
14:50 – 15:05 h. Dina Serova, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Problematizing linguistic variation in the Coffin Texts: A case study on spell CT 335
15:05 – 15:15 h. Elisabeth Kruck, Universität Wien
Occurrences of grave goods and their representations on coffins: A concept of substitution?
(In absentia). James P. Allen, Brown University, Providence
Scribal factors in the transmission of the Pyramid Texts
15:30 – 15:45 h. Break
15:30 – 17:00 h. Discussion & announcement of the MORTEXVAR database.
Registered attendees
Leire Olabarria, Birmingham
Beatriz Noria, Alcalá
Mallaury Guigner, Montepellier
Foy Scalf, Chicago
Wantje Fritschy, Leiden
M. Jesús Menéndez, Alcalá
Sika Pedersen, Alcalá
Lucía Díaz-Iglesias, Madrid
Charles Herzer, New York
Peter Blair
Daniel Méndez, La Laguna
Jordan Miller, Oxford
Paula Veiga, Lisbon
Jean-Baptiste Poussard, Montpellier
Pedro Sáez, Alcalá
Emilio Bosio, Buenos Aires
José Alba, Jaén
Emily Whitehead, Atlanta
Kari Askeland
Paz Schaffhauser, Santiago de Chile
Magaly López, Alcalá
Franz Luaghammer
Colin Fauré, Paris
Amy Wilson
Nieves García Centeno, Alcalá
Shinichi Kato
Ilaria Cariddi, Florence
Orly Goldwasser, Jerusalem
Marissa Knudson
Caroline Lovelace, Swansea
Elizabeth Leaning, Auckland
André Müller, Zurich
David Bruegger, Manchester
Christa Ohlendorf, Bonn
Mailén Correa, Buenos Aires
Miona Miyazaki, Tokyo
Gonzalo Gómez, Alcalá
Irene Aboy
Doris Topmann, Berlin
Motoharu Arimura, Tokyo
Kristina Hutter, Vienna
Mariela De Giuda, Montevideo
Gabriel Valenzuela, Santiago de Chile
Mariano Bonanno, Buenos Aires
Adriana Noemí Salvador, Alcalá
Susana Soler, Barcelona
Haleli Harel, Jerusalem
Gisela Rodriguez, Springfield MA
Joanna Popielska, Warsaw
Organised by
Carlos Gracia Zamacona
with the assistance of María Ribes Lafoz and Ernesto Graf